Governance and Integrity Management.
Statement regarding Compliance with the Transparency Act (2023)
Hoyland AS is committed to providing insight into our due diligence assessments according to the Transparency Act, which under Norwegian Law covers the transparency and work performed to secure basic human rights and decent working conditions.
This statement covers our due diligence activities in the Hoyland Group during the period Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2023.
About Hoyland
Hoyland AS is the parent company in a group of 6 companies:
Hoyland provides services as a shipowner in supply to the global offshore service industry. The administration is located with head office in Steinsland, Norway and in 2023 provided services in the European market only. Our vessels have additionally provided support for activities in both South American and African regions during the recent years. Our fleet consists of 9 offshore service vessels, where increasing investment in low-emissions technology is our clear target.
The majority of Hoyland’s 98 employees are employed in Hoyland Crew AS. Additional vessel crew is employed through partners in the Philippines and Poland.
Routines and Guidelines
The Board of Directors in Hoyland AS is the governing authority in Hoyland’s ongoing work to secure basic human rights and decent working conditions. The CEO of Hoyland AS is appointed by the board to secure due diligence assessment according to the Transparency Act. The process is rooted in formal procedures which are openly available to Hoyland employees through our management systems. The systems are certified by Norwegian and international classification societies and are subject to annual external audits. Notice of breach of basic human rights or failure to provide decent working conditions can be reported through the management systems.
Our governing principles for these routines and guidelines are derived from “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and “the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights and Work”.
We perform risk-based assessments of our suppliers on this basis, where geographic location is an important criterion for risk evaluation. These assessments are conducted in close cooperation with Norwegian and International players. Should an evaluation indicate increased risk, Hoyland will secure further investigation and, if necessary, initiate measures to minimize the risk of negative consequences.
Hoyland’s “Supplier’s Code of Conduct” outlines our expectations to all our suppliers and partners and is communicated to all suppliers during procurement. These guidelines include a zero tolerance for child labor and forced labor, as well as respect for the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, freedom of association and collective bargaining, and compliance with applicable working hour and compensation requirements.
Due diligence assessments are further conducted through external audits of suppliers and collaborating partners. Measures will be initiated if non-compliance is identified. Should these measures not reduce risk of breach, or otherwise not provide intended result, the measures will be reassessed. Findings from due diligence assessments are reported to the Board of Directors.
Any notice of possible breach of basic human rights or decent working conditions will be addressed by the management, with measures implemented if necessary.
Hoyland commits to remediate and compensate for possible negative consequences to human rights or decent working conditions if these are caused by the company. Qualified requests for further information on Hoyland’s compliance with the Transparency Act can be addressed to CEO Trym Jacobsen at e-mail. Hoyland retains the right to reject information requests according to §6 of the Norwegian Transparency Act.
Findings from Due Diligence Assessments
We have not uncovered actual negative consequences or substantial risk of negative consequences during due diligence performed in 2023. Specific measures to address possible breach of human rights or decent working conditions have therefore not been initiated.
This statement is approved by the Board of Directors June 6, 2024.